Infertility Issue

Natural Treatments of Infertility

Many couples that have problems conceiving are more and more turning to herbal therapy, Chinese medicine and other alternative remedies. Going for natural treatments of infertility is a good idea considering how overwhelming medical treatments can be.

Even couples that are undergoing in-vitro fertilization (IVF) are combining it with other natural treatments in order to enhance their chances of getting pregnant.

Chronic illnesses like infertility lead to tremendous stress which then may lead to depression, anxiety and other mental illnesses. Therefore undergoing a natural treatment may calm you down and put your body and your mind in a positive stage increasing your chances of conceiving.

Not all natural treatments of infertility work for everybody. Some may work for one person and not work for another person. Therefore, if you choose one alternative and it fails, do not quite but rather go for another one. And the most important thing is to stay optimistic. Research shows that people that believe in it will succeed.

Next will follow some natural treatments of infertility for you to choose from.


There are yoga practitioners that specialize in yoga for fertility that utilizes poses to nourish the reproductive organs, calm the nervous system, relax the mind and body and help boost fertility.

Chronic stress can lead to variety of health issues, physical and psychological as well. Yoga has been recognized for long time as being an effective way to reduce stress and anxiety. Certain yoga poses can help the body to detoxify.

Yoga as a treatment of infertility combines physical postures and breathing practices to create a meditative and relaxing exercise.

Chinese Medicine

The traditional Chinese Medical System (the oldest in existence) believed that a diseased mind contributes to a diseased body. So if you heal the mind, the body will follow.

For example Lisa Olsen, a health consultant and certified nutritionist, who wrote the Pregnancy Miracle, spent more than 14 years researching infertility, its causes and cures. She was infertile herself and got pregnant at 43.

Her book is one of the most searched infertility cure books, therefore we are mentioning it in here as it provides positive results, proven holistic and ancient Chinese system. The book is based on what Lisa learned from a practitioner of Chinese Medicine, focused on physical and nutritional aspects that can be the cause of infertility. It is a complete holistic solution meant to eliminate the cause of infertility.

Mediterranean-style Diet

According to a Dutch study from 2010, women who eat foods found in a Mediterranean style diet may increase their chances of becoming pregnant. Eating a Mediterranean diet rich in vegetables, whole grains, olive and vegetable oils and lean meat can be considered as a treatment of infertility. The study concludes that couples considering fertility treatment should eat a balanced diet that includes healthy food.


Acupuncture is a form of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), focusing on energy flows along specific meridians on the body and stimulating particular points along these meridians, in order to balance the energy which leads to better health and well-being. Acupuncture therapy is believed to regulate spiritual, emotional, mental and physical balance. You can undergo acupuncture regularly during attempting conception or before and after an embryo transfer procedure. Studies show that acupuncture as a treatment of infertility improves pregnancy rates.


Meditation encourage the mind to move away from worrying state and come into a calmer, relaxed, focused state of being. There is not much research done specifically about infertility. However a good deal of research was done on the relaxation effect of meditation and how it can help people with chronic illnesses feel more focused and calm. So meditation can be undergo as a treatment of infertility.

Guided imagery

Guided imagery involves closing the eyes and listen to a therapist guide you through a relaxation exercise that is rich in imagined images. There are fertility specific guided imagery programs, where patients imagine the body or mind releasing specific hormones or imagining conception and a growing embryo. There is no much research done on guided imagery as treatments of infertility.

Prayer and Spirituality

Prayer can have a strong effect on the mind providing hope and support for strong believes. Research found that people who engage in religious belief have lower rate of depression. Regular prayer can help with anxiety and act as a meditation. As there are couple of religiously oriented organizations for infertility support, you may be able to find a local support group for infertility through your church.

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)

CBT is a type of counseling that helps you replace negative thoughts with more positive ones. It includes learning deep relaxation and breathing techniques.


Hypnosis involves going into a light sleep-like state, called a trance, induced by a therapist. In this stage the mind is highly suggestible and the therapist helps the patient change negative thoughts by suggesting alternative ideas. It can be used as a treatment of infertility.

Herbal therapy

You should never work with herbal therapy without a practitioner familiar with all aspects of this therapy as it showed to both decrease and increase fertility. Among herbs that are used in this therapy are vitex, dong quai, false unicorn root and wild yam.


Lack of sleep may lead to menstrual irregularity which may delay the time it takes to conceive. Women in notoriously sleep deprived professions, like flight attendants and nurses, report irregular menstrual cycles. Some stop ovulating altogether. You should honor your personal sleep needs, which is 8 hours per night.


The daily light exposure influences our ovulation and reproductive hormones. A Californian research has been able to alter the length of women’s menstrual cycles by exposing them to artificial light while they sleep. Therefore it is recommended to get as much sunlight as possible.

This article focused on a couple of natural treatments of infertility. Keep in mind that there is no “one size fits all” approach so you might have to undergo a couple.

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